Sue Miller – Cuban Flute Improviser, Writer & Academic

Charanga del Norte perform at London’s CLF on Saturday 15 July

Charanga del Norte perform at London’s CLF (Chronic Love Foundation) on Saturday afternoon 15th July.

IT’S CHARANGA TIME (LIVE) UP ON THE ROOF! Sat Jul 15 (1pm-6pm / £10 Entry) – LATIN JAZZ BRUNCH LIVE host DJ JOHN ARMSTRONG welcomes the one and only charanga and pachanga band in the land, live up on the roof. Get ready for the brilliant 12 piece live band CHARANGA DEL NORTE who are here to guarantee an exquisite good time live audio session up on the roof, all afternoon long at The CLF Art Lounge & Roof Garden.

Charanga del Norte perform at Roundhay Park Festival Saturday 17th June 2pm

Charanga del Norte perform at Roundhay Park Festival Saturday 17th June 2pm – FREE World Music and World Food Festival

Charanga del Norte Tour Dates

Charanga del Norte Gigs and Workshops 2023 UK wide.

Inaugural Professorial Lecture by Professor Sue Miller

Hiding in plain sight, Latin influence is everywhere in jazz and popular music forms today and often goes unacknowledged. In her Inaugural lecture Professor Sue Miller demonstrates how these Latin styles evolved historically and shows, through musical examples, how many aspects of these performance practices are embedded in a variety of vernacular dance music forms past and present.

Charanga del Norte live performance Wednesday 29 March Leeds

Charanga del Norte live performance at Leeds School of Arts Theatre Wednesday 29 March 6.30pm until 9pm


New Charanga del Norte Animation ‘Atilana’

Animation by Ged Haney of Charanga del Norte’s track ‘Los Problemas de Atilana’ based on research by Prof. Sue Miller, Dr Sarah Bowen and Cuban dancer Guillermo Davis on the televised version of ‘Los Problemas de Atilana’ by Orquesta Aragón in 1965. The flute solo by Sue Miller is a development of the solo by flute player Richard Egües which was danced by Rafael Bacallao. The animated Rafael here reflects the dance moves and musical gestures of Egües and Bacallao with a few new references and dance moves included for good measure!

Journal Article on Richard Egues and Rafael Bacallao in Ethnomusicology Forum Journal

An article co-authored by Professor Sue Miller, Guillermo Davis and Dr Sarah Bowen is published in a special issue of the journal Ethnomusicology Forum (June 2022). In it the flute solo of Richard Egües together with the dancing of Rafael Bacallao in Orquesta Aragon are analysed and the article is open access available here online […]

Free Workshop on Latin Music in York Monday 30 May

Members of Charanga del Norte Sue Miller (bandleader and flute), Nick Willimas (violin) and Matty Shallcross (percussion) are giving a free Latin music Workshop for Streetlife on Coney Street York Monday 30 May at 2pm. The workshop is free and you only need to register online here

Charanga del Norte Gig 10 June at the Wardrobe Leeds

Leeds/UK salsa/Cuban/Latin music pioneer DJ and promoter Lubi Jovanovic celebrates 40 years working in music this year (1982-2022). He’s throwing a few special parties in Leeds to celebrate this landmark including a big live Cuban/salsa/Latin jazz event at The Wardrobe on Friday 10th June. The venue has been the centre of Lubi’s live Latin music shows for over 2 decades now, ever since he brought his legendary ’90s night Casa Latina here in 1999. This gig will also be in the fringe program for inaugural Leeds Jazz Festival which is happening across the city from 1st-12th June.

There are two bands playing. One he has worked with since 1999 (Charanga Del Norte) and one which is a brand new band of musicians studying at Leeds Conservatoire today (Rumberos De Palo). A hot night of Cuban music and rhythms, New York pachanga sounds and smoking Latin jazz. Definitely the live Latin music show of the summer in Leeds.


The workshop is directed by Professor Sue Miller, bandleader and founder of Charanga del Norte since 1998 assisted by pianist and percussion tutor Helen Curtis. The workshop explores a variety of Latin/Cuban music popular styles through a mixture of workshops, sectionals and ensemble catering for brass, strings, guitar, woodwind, percussion, vocals, piano, and bass. In these workshops participants will be exploring the feeling of groove, clave feel, and Latin clave-based improvisation within an ensemble context.