My book Cuban Flute Style: Interpretation and Improvisation is now available from all good book stores!
My book Cuban Flute Style: Interpretation and Improvisation is now available from all good book stores!
I’m giving talks on Cuban music in London (2nd) and Cambridge (27th) this November – both are free and open to the public. The first on clave and improvisation is for LAMS (Latin American Music Seminars) at Senate House, London and the second is on the role of influence in the development of the Cuban flute style is at the University of Cambridge music department, West Road.
I have two entries on Cuban son and guajira in this excellent new book edited by David Horn. You can order a copy from Amazon and it will be out January 2014
Charanga Soleil invited me to play SOB’s After-Work Salsa Groove on Friday, June 1, 2012.
Performing were: Cathy Lopez and Goussy Celestin (lead vocals); Hadar Noiberg (flute, vocals, musical director); Lewis Kahn (violin, trombone); Junior Rivera (tres, vocals); William Ash (bass); Sergio Rivera (piano); John Berdeguer (percussion, vocals) and Diego Lopez (drums, timbales).
As an extra-special treat, the band was joined by the exceptional flutist SUE MILLER bandleader of Charanga del Norte out of Leeds, England!
Free Cuban Music concert by students from the School of Music at The Clothworkers Centenary Hall,the University of Leeds 6pm (refreshments from 5.30pm). A Cuban Music Big Band plus a charanga line-up and son band directed by Sue Miller perform the dance styles son, son montuno, descarga (jam session) , pachanga, danzon and chachacha.
I’m in the US at the Society for Ethnomusicology (SEM) Conference in Philadelphia and presenting my work on a panel led by Professor Robin Moore so do contact me if you’re there….
Latin Music Long Weekender – 4 places left so enrol now if you want to be part of it!
Summer School
At Yorkshire College of Music
St Marks House, 1 St Marks Avenue, Leeds LS2 9BN
Cuban Popular Dance Music, Cuban Percussion and Brazilian Rhythms – A Course for Instrumentalists, Vocalists and Percussionists
Caribbean and Latin American Music Study Day
Saturday 12 November 2011
University of Huddersfield
School of Music, Humanities and Media, Queensgate, Huddersfield HD1 3DH
Guest Speaker Dr Henry Stobart (Royal Holloway, University of London)
Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd October 2010
Led by
Musical Director: Sue Miller
Percussion Tutor: Jack McCarthy
Yorkshire College of Music and Drama, Leeds
(at the new college site St Marks House, 1 st Marks Avenue, Leeds LS2 9BN)
Places left for one bass player and one percussion (possibly one more frontliner depending on instrument)
Yorkshire College of Music is moving from its Headingley site to a more modern building opposite the university:
St Marks House, 1 St Marks Avenue, LS2 9BN
In addition to offering flute, saxophone and piano tuition (classical and jazz beginner to grade 8) I will be running some new courses in Cuban music and improvisation – do get in touch with me if you’d like individual or group tuition. I want to set up some small improvisation groups from beginner level upwards and also plan to run some weekend intensive courses in Cuban music there too – the first course is 2 and 3 October and has 8 places left.