Sue Miller – Cuban Flute Improviser, Writer & Academic

Content tagged with: cuban music

Workshops and Courses in Cuban Music

NEW: A weekend intensive course on Cuban popular music early Autumn in Leeds plus a course in Cuba with Buena Vista Social Club and veteran son and charanga musicians later in the year – email Sue for more details.

My courses and workshops in Cuban music are arrangements-based catering for a big band line-up that also includes strings. I have written over 30 arrangements for brass, woodwind, piano, bass, percussion, strings and vocalists with the aim of teaching the Cuban styles of Son, Son Montuno, Danzón, Mambo, Chachachá, Bolero, Guajira and Pachanga through practical ‘hands on’ rehearsal and performance.

Music and Revolution: Cultural Change in Socialist Cuba

Review of Robin Moore’s book Music and Revolution: Cultural Change in Socialist Cuba in Cultural Politics Journal Volume 03 Issue 02 July 2007, p265 -268: BOOK REVIEW Cultural Policy and Music Making in Revolutionary Cuba Sue Miller Music and Revolution: Cultural Change in Socialist Cuba, by Robin D. Moore, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of […]

New on-stream track Lola Catula

Check out the new track Lola Catula #2 on the recordings page – just added today!

Spiral Earth Article on Charanga del Norte’s CD launch

07/05/2010 Sue Miller and her Charanga del Norte Sue Miller and her Charanga del Norte release a new album Look Back in Charanga on 13 May. Look Back in Charanga is the sequel to Our Mam in Havana: Carrying on with the puns Look Back in Charanga pays homage to all the greats of Cuban […]

Review of Sierra Maestra’s Cd Sonando Ya

Sierra Maestra Sonando Ya [Review] World Village Submitted by Jill Turner on 24 March, 2010 – 00:16. Sue Miller:revels in the new additions to the son repetoire found in Sierra Maestra’s new album Sonando Ya. ‘Asi se toca el son’ – this is how to play Cuban son – clear, crisp, colourful and elegant with […]

Charanga del Norte at the Barbican

2009 BFE Student Prize

Taken from the Ethnomusicology Forum Website September news: 2009 BFE Student Prize The winner of the 2009 prize for the best student paper presented at the 2009 annual conference at Liverpool John Moores University goes to Sue Miller for her paper, “‘The Thieving Magpie’: Musical Borrowing, Quotes and Signifiers in Cuban Charanga Improvisation”. The panel […]

Teaching News

I am currently teaching Cuban music courses for undergraduates at the University of Leeds and flute, saxophone and piano at Yorkshire College of Music.

I will also be musical director of a course in traditional Cuban dance music in Havana in 2010 (alongside veteran Charanga and Son musicians) so do contact me via the contacts page if you’re interested in this .

World of Music Journal Reviews

CD reviews of  Out of Cuba: Latin American Music Takes Africa by Storm and ¡Cubalive! published in The World of Music Journal 48 (1) 2006, p151-154: Record Reviews Out of Cuba: Latin American Music takes Africa by Storm From the World and Traditional Music Section of the British Library Sound Archive Compilation and text by […]

The Cuban Music Big Band at Seven Arts Centre

The Cuban Big Band: Seven, Leeds – 12th July 2009 Sue Miller has brought a lot of joy to Leeds in her time with bands like Charanga Del Norte, and her latest featuring 20+ able musicians, The Cuban Big Band. Our friend Ana Luisa, from Chile, is one of the 4 singers and we try […]