Sue Miller – Cuban Flute Improviser, Writer & Academic

Content tagged with: Cuban Musicians

New Review of Cuban Flute Style by John Robert Brown in Jazz Journal

Cuban Flute Style is thus a contextualised, analytical study, arising from a combination of Miller’s lessons from Egües, her research in Havana and New York, her subsequent experiences as a charanga bandleader, and the completion of a Leeds University PhD undertaken to study the processes involved in learning the charanga style of improvisation.

Review of Cuban Flute Style by Bill McBirnie

Let me begin by saying that Sue Miller’s Cuban Flute Style is an extraordinarily comprehensive oeuvre, with respect to both the history and the technique of charanga flute playing. In addition, her book is realized with a broad as well as a thoughtful understanding of the entire tradition on which this style of music is based.


book launch for Cuban Flute Style@
Saturday 10th May 2014

Room G22-26 (Ground Floor)
Senate House, Malet Street
London WC1E 2HU

A morning of presentations finishing with:

3.00pm Sue Miller (Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge), BOOK LAUNCH: Cuban Flute Style: Interpretation and Improvisation (Scarecrow Press 2013).

3.45pm Tea followed by live music performed by Charanga del Norte (Cuban charanga music which forms the focus of Sue Miller’s book).

OUT NOW Cuban Flute Style: Interpretation and Improvisation

My book Cuban Flute Style: Interpretation and Improvisation is now available from all good book stores!

Estrellas Cubanas perform Amalia Batista

Estrellas Cubanas performed the Danzon Amalia Batista by Rodrigo Prats at the Danzon Festival in Havana in 2007 – do contact me if you’re interested in promoting an exchange project between Estrellas Cubanas and Charanga del Norte.

Video of Charanga de Oro performing Almendra

Check out El Ruso’s piano solo on this performance of Almendra by Charanga de Oro in Santa Cruz del Norte, Cuba

Music and Revolution: Cultural Change in Socialist Cuba

Review of Robin Moore’s book Music and Revolution: Cultural Change in Socialist Cuba in Cultural Politics Journal Volume 03 Issue 02 July 2007, p265 -268: BOOK REVIEW Cultural Policy and Music Making in Revolutionary Cuba Sue Miller Music and Revolution: Cultural Change in Socialist Cuba, by Robin D. Moore, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of […]

Richard Egües performing in the 1970s

Guesting with Orquesta Barbarito Diez

In 2006 I guested with Orquesta Barbarito Diez in Bejucal near Havana which was a lovely gig with a sweet rhythm section which included the grandson of Orestes Varona, the timbale player from Orquesta Aragón. On piano a very classy lady called Obdulia , Francisco ‘Panchito’ on bass and Jeronomito Barbón on congas  and a […]

The Danzon Festival in Havana 2009

At the International Danzón Festival I performed with Charanga Orquestas ‘Estrellas Cubanas’, ‘Orquesta Sublime’ and ‘Charanga de Oro’ and gave a lecture in Spanish at the conference on my research and my band Charanga del Norte (the UK’s only Charanga Orquesta). I was featured on Cuban television and radio as something of a novelty – […]