This documentary forms part of a British Academy funded research project and is a shorter version of the ‘Capturing Liveness’ video available on the main British Academy page.
This documentary forms part of a British Academy funded research project and is a shorter version of the ‘Capturing Liveness’ video available on the main British Academy page.
Sue Miller and her Charanga del Norte are recording a new live album using ribbon microphones. Here’s a photo of our October recording session – recorded by Dr Paul Thompson and Barkley McKay from the department of Music and Sound at Leeds Beckett University and filmed by Tim Blackwell, course leader for Broadcast Media at […]
The sounds of New York to be re-created in Leeds Beckett music studios
A new research project – bringing to life the practice and history of mid-20th century New York-based Latin music – has launched at Leeds Beckett.
Dr Sue Miller and Dr Paul Thompson, Readers in Music in the School of Film, Music & Performing Arts, are investigating the original recording studio techniques and performance aesthetics of this traditional style of dance music.
Taking Simon McKerrell’s paper ‘Towards Practice Research in Ethnomusicology’ as a starting point I present here three examples of my own practice research which use performance as ‘a central methodology, ’ as a ‘translation of artistic performance aesthetics’ and as a ‘research outcome sited in original performance.’ (McKerrell, 2019, 1)
In the three examples presented here (monographs on performance aesthetics and improvisational creativity), a British Academy funded performance and production project, and a music, dance and animation collaboration), I will demonstrate how, in my translational role, I have employed my own performance practice to produce text, performances, scores, audio and audio-visual research outputs which translate research findings and insights for outside the artistic community of practice, and, in some cases, within it.
Dr Sue Miller will be giving an invited talk at the International Festival and Conference on Danzon in Havana this April. El Festival Internacional Danzón Habana 2019 se desarrollará en La Habana entre los días 18 y 28 de abril en varias locaciones capitalinas y estará dedicado al 500 aniversario de la fundación de […]
Sue Miller’s talk ‘The Sound is the Context’ was part of a round table discussion opening the 2018 Music Analysis conference at City University London 5-7 July 2018. Also taking part in the panel were Dr Chloë Alaghband-Zadeh (Manchester University) , Dr Joe Browning (University of Oxford), Dr Laudan Nooshin (City, University of London), Dr Lara Pearson (Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics) and Dr Byron Dueck (the Open University).
A new research project – bringing to life the practice and history of mid-20th century New York-based Latin music – has launched at Leeds Beckett.
Dr Sue Miller gave an invited talk ‘Execices de ‘Steal’ in English and French at Sorbonne University Paris 10 April 2018 at the Serge G conference organised by Iremus – starting with Gainsbourg’s creativity and eclecticism and then examining the Cuban roots of the French cabaret scene in the mid-twentieth century. Serge G Conference, Paris […]
The Leeds Arts Research Centre (LARC) brings together creative practitioners and academics across Leeds Beckett University whose research interests lie in the arts, whether that is music, film, fine art, design or performing arts.
LARC draws on staff from the School of Art, Architecture and Design and from the School of Film, Music and Performing Arts. It brings together cultural historians and theorists with arts practitioners at the cutting edge of practice as research. Providing a forum for debate, it is also a window on the exciting and innovate creative work going on across the two Schools. Here staff collaborate on new projects, showcase their research and build together the research culture
Recontextualising Ragtime: Connections, Influences, Perspectives A Two-Day Symposium 6–7 May 2017 Location: Heritage Quay at the University of Huddersfield, UK Organised by: Prof. Rachel Cowgill (University of Huddersfield) and Dr Sue Miller (Leeds Beckett University) in association with Heritage Quay at the University of Huddersfield Join us for a two-day symposium examining the […]